[Agilo for Trac] Many emails sent, even nothing was really edited.
Danijel Domazet
2012-07-23 09:55:47 UTC
When I click for example current sprint, and then I click the "Summary"
field in the task, it immediately grabs the focus and becomes editable. If
I don't edit it, just click somewhere else on the page to get out, since I
don't want to edit it - I immediately get email saying that the task
summary has beed edited.

I think not just "Summary" filed, but other as well; they are all hotspots
and "editable", so users accidentaly click and as a consequency many emails
are being sent.
Very annoying.

Is there any advice?

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Thomas Bradford
2012-07-27 07:23:10 UTC
Hi Danijel,

This is an interesting bug. I thought that the change listeners were
doing a little more work to check if the value changed before shipping
off an email, but maybe they're not. We will investigate.


Thomas Bradford
Chief Architect
Agilo Software GmbH
Gruenberger Str. 54
10245 Berlin, Germany

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CEO Marion Eickmann, Andrea Tomasini
Post by Danijel Domazet
When I click for example current sprint, and then I click the
"Summary" field in the task, it immediately grabs the focus and
becomes editable. If I don't edit it, just click somewhere else on the
page to get out, since I don't want to edit it - I immediately get
email saying that the task summary has beed edited.
I think not just "Summary" filed, but other as well; they are all
hotspots and "editable", so users accidentaly click and as a
consequency many emails are being sent.
Very annoying.
Is there any advice?
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Stefano Rago
2012-10-05 08:52:20 UTC
Hi Danijel,
When I click for example current sprint, and then I click the "Summary" field in the task, it immediately grabs the focus and becomes editable. If I don't edit it, just click somewhere else on the page to get out, since I don't want to edit it - I immediately get email saying that the task summary has beed edited.
I think not just "Summary" filed, but other as well; they are all hotspots and "editable", so users accidentaly click and as a consequency many emails are being sent.
Very annoying.
We have just fixed this issue and the fix will be available in the next release of Agilo.
Thanks for pointing out the issue.


Stefano Rago
Follow Agilo on Twitter: http://twitter.com/agilofortrac
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Stefano Rago
2012-11-30 09:23:54 UTC
Hi Danijel,

the fix for this problem is included in the new Agilo for Trac version (1.3.9 / 0.9.9) we released yesterday.
More info here:


Stefano Rago
Post by Thomas Bradford
Hi Danijel,
When I click for example current sprint, and then I click the "Summary" field in the task, it immediately grabs the focus and becomes editable. If I don't edit it, just click somewhere else on the page to get out, since I don't want to edit it - I immediately get email saying that the task summary has beed edited.
I think not just "Summary" filed, but other as well; they are all hotspots and "editable", so users accidentaly click and as a consequency many emails are being sent.
Very annoying.
We have just fixed this issue and the fix will be available in the next release of Agilo.
Thanks for pointing out the issue.
Stefano Rago
Follow Agilo on Twitter: http://twitter.com/agilofortrac
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2013-01-08 16:52:51 UTC
Thanks, will check it out.
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